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Composition of Thermal Decomposition Products of Silicone Resin -- 2024-06-14

The thermal decomposition products of silicone resin depend on its original composition.The thermal aging life of silicone resin insulation paint is often evaluated using the bending assessment method, which involves coating a thin copper sheet with a thickness of 0 08 0 After aging at a predetermined temperature for a certain period of time, a 10mm insulation paint is bent and tested on a round rod with a diameter of 3mm until the paint layer cracks.The performance of silicon paint used for coi ...

Notice of the Dragon Boat Festival Holiday in 2024 -- 2024-06-06

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival, and so on, together with the Spring Festival, the Tomb sweeping Day, and the Mid-Autumn Festival, is known as China's four major traditional festivals.Dragon Boat Festival has many traditional customs, such as dragon boat racing, hanging wormwood, eating Zongzi, and taking colorful ropes.According to the Notice of the General Office of the State Council ...

The Influence of Organic Silicone Resin Molecules on Heat Resistance -- 2024-05-28

When subjected to thermal oxidation, a stable protective layer rich in Si-0-Si chains is formed on the surface of organic silicon polymers, reducing the impact on the internal structure of the polymers. Therefore, silicone resin has a high thermal decomposition temperature, can be used for a long time at 200-250 ℃ without decomposition or discoloration, and the Si-0 Si chain only begins to break at 350 ℃; Stable at room temperature, after crosslinking and curing, it can withstand high temperat ...

Method for Preparing Thermosetting Methylphenyl Organosilicon Resin -- 2024-05-17

The most commonly used method for preparing thermosetting methylphenyl silicone resin is through co hydrolysis condensation reaction of two functional and three functional organic silicon monomers.There are two ways in the condensation reaction process: intermolecular condensation and intramolecular condensation. Only intermolecular condensation can increase molar mass. In the manufacturing process of silicone resin, the key to controlling the molar ratio is the ratio of intermolecular and intra ...

Chinese factory produce Good compatibility Silicone Emulsion -- 2024-05-15

Product Name: Silicone EmulsionItem No.: SilibaseSEZ-0009Product IntroductionChina Silicone Supply Good Stability Silicone Emulsion.SilibaseSEZ-0009 It has good spreading, waterproofing, and durability, suitable for automotive paint surfaces, glass and other substrates, providing better surface protection and improving surface lubrication. Good compatibility, suitable for use in water-based formulations and surfactant systems.SilibaseSEZ-0009 It is a kind of water coating agent for special modif ...

Chinese Factory Supply Heat-curable Methyl-phenylpolysi Loxane Densurf HR 800 Silicone Resin -- 2024-05-15

Product Name: Silicone ResinItem No.: SilibaseSR-X860Product Overview:Silibase Silicone Produce Replacement Densurf HR 800 Silicone Resin.SilibaseSR-X860 is a heat-curable methyl-phenylpolysi loxane resin. SilibaseSR-X860 is mainly used for high-temperature resistant coatings, with excellent high-temperature resistance and weather resistance; Has good flexibility and hardness, and can quickly dry at room temperature; Adding polysilazane can dry at room temperature. Suitable for blending various ...

Happy Mother Day -- 2024-05-12

Mother's Day is a holiday to thank mothers. Modern Mother's Day originated in the United States and falls on the second Sunday of May each year. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day.Wishing all mothers a happy Mother's Day!

Different Properties of Organic Silicone Resin -- 2024-05-07

The type of organic group R on the silicon atom in silicone resin, as well as the ratio of methyl to phenyl-1 groups in the organic group, also have a significant impact on the performance of silicone resin. Different organic groups will endow silicone resin with different properties:When the organic group is phenyl, silicone resin is endowed with oxidation stability, which can destroy the crystallinity of the polymer within a certain range; The lower the phenyl content in the organic group, the ...

Happy Labor Day - Holiday Notice -- 2024-04-26

Dear CustomerThe May Day holiday is approaching. According to the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Arranging Partial Holidays in 2024 (State Council Invention Document [2023] No. 7), the following is the arrangement of the Labor Day holiday for SILIBASE SILICONE Company in 2024:There will be a 5-day holiday from May 1st to 5th. We will work on April 28th (Sunday) and May 11th (Saturday).Notes:If there is any delay in the transportation of goods during the holiday period, plea ...

SILIBASE SILICONE Produce Performance Comparable to SILRES MP 50 E Silicone Resin. -- 2024-04-23

Chinese Factory of Analogue Substitute for SILRES® MP 50 E Silicone ResinProduct Name: Silicone ResinItem No.: SilibaseSR-X860BenefitBy utilizing silicone resin emulsion SilibaseSR-X860, a complete range of water-based high-temperature coatings can be formulated and produced while retaining all the benefits of a silicone based coating:High heat resistanceExcellent adhesionChemical resistanceCorrosion resistanceSilibaseSR-X860 has good compatibility with other organic resins, which in turn, p ...

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