Item No.: Silibase-CH50
Equivalent Product: Perkadox ® CH-50
Relevant Identified uses of the substantce or mixture: Curing Agent
Product Description:
Dibenzoy1 peroxide,powder,50% with dicyclohexy1 phthalat
CAS No.: 94-36-0
EINECS/ELINCS No. : 202-327-6
TSCA status: listed on inventory
Appearence, 10-20℃: White free flowing power
Assay: 49.0-51.0%
Water: 2.5% max
Bulk density: 0.640g/cm3(40lb/ft3)
SilibaseCH50 is a free flowing,fine,granular power containing 50% dibenzoy1 peroxide for the curing of unsaturated polyester
resins and acrylic resins at ambient and elevated temperatures.At temperatures up to 80℃,
Silibase-CH50 Should be used in combination with an aromatic tertiary amine accelerator,
above 80℃ the use of an accelerator is notrequired.
SilibaseCH50 is easy to handle, easy to disperse and dissolves very quickly in unsaturated polyester resins and acrylic resins.
When in acrylic resins a very high degree of transparency of the cured part is required the special grade Silibase-CH50 is advised.
The curing system Silibase-CH50 amine accelerator shows a very fast cure that is hardly influenced by humidity and fillers.
Even at low temperatures a relatively good cure will be obtained.
A disadvantage may be the yellow color and poor light resistance
of the moulded product.
For ambient temperature curing the following amine accelerators are available to adjust the gel time
and speed of cure of the cure system based on Silibase-CH50:
Accelerator NL -65-100(N,N-Dimethy1-p-toluidine) for short gel times
Accelerator NL-63-100(N,N-Dimethy1aniline)for medium gel times
Accelerator NL-64-100(N,N-Diethy1aniline)for long get times