Mar 10, 2023
The melting point of silicon element is 1420 ° C, which is one of the most widely distributed elements in the world. The crust contains about 21 75%, mainly silicon dioxide and silicate. Common compounds in nature include quartz, feldspar, mica, talc and other heat-resistant and refractory silicate materials. The melting point of silica is 1710 ° C. Silicon and carbon are the main group elements of the same NA group in the periodic table of elements, with the atomic number of 14. Therefore, carbon and silicon have many similar chemical properties. The earliest research work is to compare silicon with carbon. Some scientists are eager to pursue the branch chemistry of silicon replacing carbon, or the combined silicon-carbon chemistry. At the initial stage, we studied the ways and methods to find compounds with silicon-carbon bonds. There is no known model for such bonds in any natural material. Natural silicon compounds exist in the form of silicates, which are the earliest raw materials used by humans for thousands of years.
The main functions of silicone include: sealing, packaging, bonding, lubrication, coating, lamination, surface activity, film removal, defoaming, foaming, cross-linking, waterproof, moisture-proof, inert filling, etc. And with the continuous growth of the quantity and variety of organosilicon, the application field has been broadened, forming a unique and important product system in the field of new chemical materials. Many varieties are irreplaceable and indispensable for other chemicals.
In addition to the characteristics of heat resistance, flame resistance and hardness of general inorganic substances, organosilicon polymers also have the characteristics of insulating, thermoplastic and soluble organic polymers, so they are called semi-inorganic polymers. Because organosilicon products have the properties of both inorganic and organic materials, organosilicon resin has higher thermal stability and higher oxidation resistance than other organic polymers. In a wide range of temperature ranges, organosilicon resin can maintain its initial physical properties compared with other similar polymers. It has excellent characteristics such as high and low temperature resistance, electrical insulation, ozone resistance, radiation resistance, flame resistance, water repellency, corrosion resistance, non-toxic and tasteless, and physiological inertia, and is widely used in various industries, such as electronics and electrical, construction, chemical, textile, light industry, and medical treatment.
As the basic raw material of plastics, synthetic fibers, coatings, adhesives and other industries, synthetic resins are widely used not only in construction, agriculture, manufacturing (automobile, railway, ship), packaging industry, but also in national defense construction, cutting-edge technology, electronic information and other fields. They have become the fourth largest category of materials after metals, wood and cement.
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